Monday, 9 February 2015

The Personal Stresses of Being A Nursing Student

Hi All!

So these past two weeks have been very stressful indeed.
I struggled on choosing what to write about this week.  I have a few posts lined up, but I thought this post may be more helpful and more honest than a factual post on a medical condition. 

Everyone says nursing is hard. They say its difficult. Or perhaps they have the opinion that it may not be that hard, or that in fact, as you're not in university because you're on placement that it may be fairly easy. It is far from that. 
Many people worry how they are going to handle the course. Many parents, many people with families, with caring roles at home etc. And yes it is hard. But I think some people don't seem to realise it is difficult no matter your circumstances at home.  I don't have any children. I dont have that level of responsibility. I do however, live with my partner and have our pets. I have been feeling the stress levels rise these past couple of weeks. I have my assignment and exam this week before I head out on placement next week.  I have also been working as much as I can as my partner has not been able to find a job.  So I am using my bursary, student loan and wages to pay for the house. As well as this, I am trying to ensure I get my revision done and meet deadlines.  I have been feeling how difficult this is these past few weeks, So, I had to find out if others were feeling the same.  I have spoken to a few on the course that were willing to open up. A few have said they are struggling with the finance side of things but they are getting by.  There are those parents that have to ensure they work so many hours per week so they don't lose their benefits.  Fitting this in with looking after their children, maintaining a house and revising can be difficult.  So it is nice to know I am not the only one feeling the same way.  
I thought a post such as this may help to highlight just how difficult it can be being a nursing student.  Unfortunately, with nursing students, you are not seen as a regular student. You cannot go out and get drunk and post silly things, as your fellow students will report this.  No matter how close you think you are to some people, there are always those who are willing to screenshot your Snapchat, your Facebook, your Twitter or whatever social media account you have, and pass this on to the university. So it is imperative that you are always aware of your behaviour.  
You do not have the same holidays as other students and you don't always experience the same student experiences.  It is important that you make the most of your university career. 
It is also very important that if you need help, you ask for it. It is something that not all students avail of.  My personal tutor and my class tutor have been more than helpful.  
I have found that the university support can be invaluable and having gone to university previously, I thought that I would be aware of what is coming.  On the other hand, I wasn't prepared for the feelings of mistrust amongst the cohort, the segregation and the feeling of ostracism.  It can be difficult, and I am not saying everything will always be plain sailing. 
I am, on the other hand, so glad I am where I am. These past 2 semesters have flown by and it is going so quick. So I know, in 2 years, this will all be worth it. 

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