Saturday, 18 October 2014

Assignments, Deadlines and More.

So i thought i'd do a little post on what assignments we have this year and the deadlines to give you an idea of what the workload involves.

We first began just learning the basics, covering chemistry, biology, a small maths test, then law and ethics in nursing.  Then we have covered evidence based nursing, the NMC and its importance and then after that we have covered a whole lot more! 

As the structure of my course is six weeks in, six weeks out, it goes really quick. In a little over two weeks i will be out on placement.  Mad to think that! 

But before i head out on placement, i have an exam and a presentation to do. Then once i am back from placement i have another exam and a written assignment to do.
While i am also on placement, i have a portfolio to do and this needs to be kept up to date and signed off by my mentor to say i have covered certain aspects detailed in the portfolio.  
So as well as all the work we cover in lectures, we then have a lot of reading to do in our own time.  As i have one day a week off from the course i use this day to catch up on what work i need to do and write up all my notes and go through them again.  As it's so easy to just take down notes and not have any of it go into your head.  Its important you do your own work and own reading as the lecturers will not tell you what to do and when.  This is university, you are an adult and you are expected to use your initiative.  
So once i have done my second placement, i will have another exam, another presentation and another assignment.

Please don't think this sounds like a lot, it is and it isn't.  If you do work in your own time and keep on top of things this should all go by so quick! It should then come naturally for your assignment dates and doing the work. Although it doesn't seem like it, if you have done the work and the revision then the assignments, exams etc shouldn't seem so bad.

So overall, November I have a presentation and exam. Then February an assignment and an exam. Then the rest is in May.
Then I am also assessed on each placement I attend. Due to NMC guidelines you have to pass each segment of the year to progress into your second year. 
It may seem like there is a lot of work but if you do even just an hour each night and keep yourself organised then it really shouldn't be too hard for you to get the work done. 

Best of luck to all you new applicants and those holding places. Nursing is definitely a career that will keep you on your toes. No day is the same as the next and there will be days you hate it and days you love it. And trust me, the days you love, more than make up for those bad days. 


  1. This is really an eye opener for me and at least now I know what to expect when I start my course in sept 2015. I need to get my tin foil hat on ASAP! Thank you for all this detailed info Hun. Much much appreciated :-)

    1. Not a problem!
      How is your preparation coming along?
