Friday 1 August 2014


The big stress for many students, never mind student HCP’s. (health care professionals)
As the NHS and the government are always trying to save money the NHS are looking at how NHS courses are being funded and if the NHS should continue to do so.  Currently, students can receive a bursary that is a set amount of money each month and their course fees paid for.  This is never a great amount, especially if you are coming from working full time to being a student once again.  Then, the amount you receive can be means tested or non means tested.  This means that it can either be assessed on your household income or your parents income (depending on how old you are and where you reside) or it can be just a given amount.  To further confuse matters this all depends on where you reside in the UK.  English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish students are all under different guidelines.  As it is the NHS that pays the bursary, this falls to your local trust and the local government.  For example, English students can also apply for a reduced student maintenance loan that you will repay back once you graduate.  English students can also get the bursary.  However, students in Northern Ireland fall under different guidelines and have a set amount bursary and if I am correct in saying so do not qualify for a student loan as well.  This may change or I may not be 100% correct here so do not quote me on this! Then the amounts you are awarded will depend on where you reside, and what the local policies are.  They may also depend on if you have any dependents (children, elderly relatives etc) that rely on you for money.  This also can change if you are entitled to any benefits.

See why many people get very confused?

And in many cases, you may need to write to Mr or Mrs Tax Person and ask for a statement to say how much your earnings have been over the previous three years.  You may or may not be asked to do this.  Again, all depends on your local NHS trust, where you live etc.  So applying for a bursary can leave many with a headache.

I have been told my university sends off the student names to the local bursary office and then they will send out forms for us to complete and then we should get our first instalment at the end of October.  So for September I will be relying on savings and my partner.  No one said this was going to be easy though!

I have sorted my student loan out after many a setback.  However, after various phone calls and a little nagging that has been resolved! So now I have to wait for information to be sent out regarding my bursary and how much exactly I’ll be getting and then I’ll know a little more.  I am registering with a couple of nursing agencies and I am hoping to stay on the bank system at work, which will give me shifts.  As I will need to work to ensure that we have a roof over our heads and that I can afford to eat! Never mind that we do need to pay for travel etc.  The finance side of things does tend to worry a lot of people.  The finances are only a minor niggle though. Passion for your career will always tend to put them doubts to one side when you think of the end goal. 

So finances aside, it is turning out to be a very good summer! We’ve had some great weather (when I was at work! Just my luck!)  I have more or less sorted things with university.  As I sent copies of my certificates before I even applied to see if I even could apply, I have not needed to do that.  I received an email not so long ago confirming everything was in order and to await information being sent out after results day. 
So the main thing is just waiting and waiting. Which can seem a little tedious but it is only 7 weeks until classes actually start.  That looks weird seeing that in writing.  7 Weeks!!!
Before that I have a uniform sitting, bursary form to complete, my portfolio to pick up and an occupational health appointment. 
The excitement is annoying at times though, it reminds me of when I was a child counting down until Santa was due to visit! You had written your list / letter and sent it off and now you were so excited to see if you were going to get that ‘must have’ toy of that year.

 It feels like that, a lot! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Considering applying for 2015 entry and am debating whether or not I can afford it as I already have a degree and currently work full time. How much did you end up being entitled to?
