Hi everyone!
After a lovely summer off, I'm back!
Back to my blog, and back to second year!
I passed all my exams and my assignments. I enjoyed a summer off (well, I worked) and it's good to be back in university.
Now it'll start to sink in a lot more as the work steps up a gear and we are expected to amalgamate all we learnt in first year with everything we are learning in second year.
Its not like some other courses where once first year is passed you don't worry about it too much, we still need to know all that and more!
This year we will be covering all things learning disability. This year all fields branch off and are in the individual classes specific to our field. Of course this is great for my course as there are only 30 of us!
So we are all getting to know one another and have a great relationship with our lecturers as they know us a lot more as individuals as there are so few of us compared to the other fields.
I am looking forward to getting started this year but it is also a little nerve wracking. We will be on placements with first years and be expected to guide them. We are expected to know the evidence and the rationale behind what we are doing a lot more; evidence based practice is a big thing in nursing these days!
We will be picking up our portfolios in the coming weeks and we will be able to collect our new epaulettes for second year for our uniforms. We should also find out our placements for November too.
Sadly, there has been yet more people drop out of the course over the summer. This, unfortunately, is the reality of this course. No one ever said nursing would be easy! Or that it is definitely for you. Having looked back over the past year and realised how much we have learnt (even when you think you haven't!) it is astonishing the pace in which we learn.
Good luck to everyone starting this year. As always, enjoy it and make the most of it!