Saturday, 7 June 2014

My Books So Far.....

So far i have bought a few books in my application journey.

I bought these to help me through my application, from understanding how to go about applying, what to put in my personal statement and then just some basic revision.

So i thought i would share with you guys what i have thus far.

I don’t anticipate needing much more as i hope to make fantastic use of the library and save myself a few pennies in doing so. Don’t be in some mad rush to start buying textbooks thinking you will need everything on your reading list either. There is your university library, sometimes if there is another university near by you can go in and have a read but not loan their books (depending on their policies). There are also many journals online you will have access to through university. As well as this, there are free books you can access through ereading websites or at a cheaper cost than actual books. Then you always have the option of creating a study group and borrowing coursemates books (and of course returning the favour!) Then your local library may have some books (not always) that could be useful. There are plenty of ways to access information online, and it doesn't always have to be from a book in front of you.

Just always remember to cite your articles / information and to include these in your references on any work piece. Plagiarism is not big or clever and will get you kicked off your course. Anything, including anything you read in a blog (hint!), a newspaper article, a radio debate etc needs to be referenced. Your university will have their own system on how to do this and usually classes or a book in telling you how to do so correctly. More often than not its the Harvard Referencing System they like to use.

Anyhooooo….serious stuff over! Back to the books…

I do plan on taking a picture of all of them, but its finding the time at the minute to do so! As sometimes its easier to remember what a cover looks like to help when searching rather than names and / or titles.

My List;


The Student Nurse Handbook - Siviter

  • BNF 53 and 66 (You can get these from your local pharmacy free usually if you ask nicely enough!)

  • Illustrated Clinical Anatomy - Abrahams, Craven & Lumley 

  • Many copies of The Nursing Times

  • Many copies of The Nursing Standard

  • Oxford Dictionary of Nursing - Oxford University Press

  • Law and Ethics in Nursing - Avery (Won this from tweeting! - Thank you Nursing Times! & Sage Publishing) 

Epilepsy - A Patient Handbook - Dr Jim Marrow (Given this on a training course) 

Matron Knows Best - J.Woodcock (A fascinating read into the 'old' NHS) 

  • The Royal Hospital Manual Of Clinical Nursing Procedures - Dougherty & Lister

  • Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology In Health and Illness - Waugh & Grant

So as you can see i dont have that many books when it comes to nursing!

I have now managed to get access to my soon to be university library through work. So i have already ventured in there to have a look and to see what books they have. And i was a little in book heaven! 

Plenty of books to choose from and plenty of copies as well as computers and journals. So im glad i have a little heads up before September. 
I've also been advised by some other already learning disability nurses to loan a few books which i have done. 

So i now have on loan;

  • Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing  - Gates & Barr / Oxford 

  • Learning Disabilities Towards Inclusion - B. Gates 

  • The Clinical Placement, A Nursing Survival Guide - T. Levett-Jones & S.Bourgeois

So i am hoping that this helps somewhat in getting an idea of the preparation i've done as well as calming any worries about buying a load of books. Some may be better to have a copy of if they are always on loan, however, it's a little hard to tell what those books are until university actually gets underway. 

So good luck for all your future reading!